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2018 Interviews

Channel info

Science & Technology

ETS, INSECTOIDS, brett stuart, aliens, MASONS, THE EVENT, URANTIA BOOK, draco, ETs, #hangoutsonair, simon parkes, Hangouts On Air, ufos, SECRET SOCIETIES, ALIENS, #hoa, ILLUMINATI, SIMON PARKES, NORTH KOREA, MIDDLE EAST, mantid agenda, UFOS

2018 Interviews


Read more I talk with Simon Parkes and we compare notes on what's happening around the world. QUITE POSSIBLY the most important information and intel out there as of RIGHT NOW. DO NOT MISS THIS. Heads up about indictments and possible shut down of some services…Northern Calif fires, Satellites shut down, Solar Observatories shut down THE REAL TRUTH and much more… KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT

Science & Technology

simon parkes, ETs, draco, aliens, ufos, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa


Read more DUE TO YOUTUBE EITHER BEING HACKED OR DELIBERATELY TRIED TO PREVENT BROADCASTING LIVE VIA MY ALTERNATIVE CHANNEL PCTV NETWORK LLC. SO THIS SHOW WAS BROADCAST LIVE ON FACEBOOK. THURSDAY, MAY 3, 2019 @ 1PM PT – SIMON PARKES RE REMOTE VIEWING THE MANTID AGENDA For more info on Simon go to his website: BRETT STUART – REMOTE VIEWER HAS THIS REPLY TO THE COMMENTS MADE BY SIMON PARKES ABOUT HIS VIEWING INFO “From the sounds of it, Simon may be mixing my RV results with my video-end postulates/hypothesis where I include information from various reports and accounts that I researched following the RV project results. The YouTube video Simon talking about is an automatic reading of an article written by Christine Aprile, a well-known intuitive tarot reader from Los Angeles, called, Mantis Aliens: The Overseers. I wasn’t aware of the video until someone sent it after Kerry’s interview with Simon, but Aprile’s article is one of the sources that I used to form my concluding thoughts, due to the many striking similarities in her article and the RV data. The mentioned delineation between “insectoid” & “mantid” is definitely interesting though, as I have never heard of them before. It could certainly be the case, as the RV data never said Mantid by name, but the drawing of the creature looked what I thought was a Mantid. Anything past the RV data, which is clear in the video since I cut away from the RV pages, is just my own personal postulates and analysis.”–BRETT STUART, TECHNICALINTUITION.COM BIO FROM SIMON’S WEBSITE: Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo’s, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can’t be identified. Simon was an elected Politician and served a full term of office. for MORE GO TO: KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT

Science & Technology



Read more SIMON PARKES was my guest. This is a very important conversation about the changes we are experiencing, the meaning of AI and the threat it poses. The trojan horse that is crypto currency and the ET involvement with Planet Earth. We will be discussing the latest trends and events worldwide. JOIN US! GO HERE FOR MORE INFO ON SIMON: KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT

Science & Technology


2017 Interviews

Channel info

People & Blogs, Science & Technology

ETS, Connecting Consciousness, ALIENS, NORDICS, Oprah Winfrey, mantis, ascension, Robert David Steele, Michael Tellinger, PUTIN, Sacha Stone, simon parkes, TRUMP, #UNRIG, Ubuntu, reptilians, Obama, MANTIS BEINGS, Jason A, Donald Trump, MANTID, avalon, Trump, David Icke, pedophilia, UFOS, Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness, Hilary Clinton, Outside the Box, nordics, Simon Parkes, REPTILIANS, future, Seal, ASCENSION, mantid, Deep State, Dalai Lama

2017 Interviews

Deeper Truths Conference Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes

Read more Our Deeper Truths Conference with guests Simon Parkes, Sacha Stone, Robert David Steele, Michael Tellinger, Louise Ashley and myself Jason Liosatos.

People & Blogs

Robert David Steele, #UNRIG, Sacha Stone, David Icke, Michael Tellinger, Ubuntu, Outside the Box, Hilary Clinton, Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, Seal, Deep State, Connecting Consciousness, Trump, Obama, Dalai Lama, Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness, Simon Parkes, Jason A


Read more PART ONE: I interview Simon Parkes in person in the UK during the holidays. We go in depth on numerous topics. We talk about pedophilia, ascension, reptilians, nordics, Project Avalon Forum, Trump, Putin, Mantis beings and the future. KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT

Science & Technology

pedophilia, simon parkes, nordics, mantid, mantis, reptilians, ascension, future, avalon


Read more PART TWO: PART ONE: I interview Simon Parkes in person in the UK during the holidays. We go in depth on numerous topics. We talk about pedophilia, ascension, reptilians, nordics, Project Avalon Forum, Trump, Putin, Mantis beings and the future. KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT

Science & Technology


2016 Interviews

Channel info

Science & Technology, Education, Travel & Events, News & Politics

ETS, earth changes, de-programming/healing/soul reading work, Jinn/demonic possession, David Griffin, aldebran, Interference, nibiru, energetic attachments, WWIII, New World Order, preparedness, Joanne Summerscales, Simon Parkes, Ellis Taylor, Satanic Rituals, Alexandra Meadors, #hoa, Implant Removal, #hangoutsonair, Andromeda, prepare, maldek, economic reset, Reptilian, Hitchhikers., UNDERGROUND BASES, planet x, REPTILIANS, false flags, CIA, psychic attack, ashtar, pleiades, merkel, OBE, ET Contact, SIMON PARKES, The Bases Project, MALTA, Hangouts On Air, AWARE & AWARE, Unconditional love, UFO, MANTIDS, Aliens, SECRET SPACE, MANTIS, Miles Johnston, taygeta, Repcon2016, Ammach, command, nazis, M16, MOD, psychic protection, Dave Hodrien, MILAB, healing

2016 Interviews


Read more I interviewed Simon Parkes Thursday, September 1st at 10 AM PT .... RE: RAMPING UP OF MILITARY ACTION... THE BANKSTERS ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME FOR THE FINANCIAL RESET and need to get WWIII going to make there plans for ONE Word Government and One World Military a reality. KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT http;//

Science & Technology

economic reset, false flags, merkel, prepare, preparedness, earth changes, nibiru, planet x, WWIII, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa


Read more This video contains some crucial info regarding the upcoming financial system and more.... Stay turned for the entire conference videos soon to be released on the Project Camelot Vimeo Channel. KERRY LYNN CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT Please consider donating to support our work!

Science & Technology


2016-07-24 Ever Beyond Ultragalactic Roundtable III Collier Keech Parkes Tolec

Read more We cover some topics: The Crossing, The Lyran Wars, the Reptilians, the Cassiopeans, the Pleiadians, and the AI (Borg) situation. The Roundtable's energy draws a clearer picture than ever before of our true nature and our real history, how our future can be healed and rectified.


Simon Parkes Responds To The Community - July 19, 2016

Read more Alexandra Meadors and Simon Parkes have a very candid and serious conversation in regards to the community’s recent reaction to the fact that Simon Parkes has come out publicly and admitted that he has identified his Reptilian father, Anu, and commanded that he leave his life forever! They do a thorough review of some of the concerns that have been presented to Simon. Simon explains that he was extremely pressured in his political career only after he voiced his opinion that President Putin was not the negative person that the U.S. and the U.K. were painting him to be. The transcription of this interview can be read here: The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection. Check out our Daily Blog page: Like our Facebook page: Follow us on Twitter:

News & Politics

Alexandra Meadors, Simon Parkes, Interference, Reptilian, Unconditional love, healing, Implant Removal, ET Contact, M16, MOD, OBE, CIA, MILAB, Jinn/demonic possession, de-programming/healing/soul reading work, psychic protection, psychic attack, energetic attachments, Satanic Rituals, Hitchhikers.

Repcon 2016 Report with Simon Parkes

Read more The first Repcon 2016 conference focuses on Reptilian Aliens... Held at the Fusiliers Museum, Bury, north Manchester, England May 29th 2016 Simon will be speaking the Camelot Lectures at High Elms Hall, Watford 2nd weekend of July, where I will be speaking with Harald Kautz-Vella, Peter Paget and more. But remember The Bases Project August lectures will NOT all be made public on the Internet, as sensitive information is for a live and present audience ONLY. Irish UFO Disclosure to only those who are there watching. ONLY So they had Simon Parkes, whom I caught for an interview. The rest of the excellent speakers were recorded, so do support RepCon 2016 by going to their website which is also an excellent documentary. Max Spiers was billed as attending, but he will now be speaking at The Bases 2016 conference later in the summer at Pewsey, Aug 12th to 14. Important references are made here to a "life Form" in the CERN Hadron Collider. This is an important information release by Simon, pay attention. We back reference to Simon's first public appearance, with the very first Ammach material I feature very briefly, in the Nottingham Masonic Hall, March 2011, from some retrieved files on my Ammach archive, with some dodgy sound (the 4th track was lost in the massive 3TB Archive loss while Ammach was under attack), during its short life before the Ch4 massacre. A brief mention of the beautiful seductress Joanne Summerscales in her new venture ETnewsroom. Lets hope its positive this time.

Travel & Events

Simon Parkes, Repcon2016, Reptilian, Aliens, Ellis Taylor, Joanne Summerscales, Ammach, David Griffin, Dave Hodrien, Miles Johnston, UFO, New World Order, The Bases Project

2016-03-27 EB RT Alex Collier, Simon Parkes, Tolec, Jim Nicholls, Win Keech

Read more


Andromeda, taygeta, pleiades, maldek, aldebran, nazis, ashtar, command

2015 Interviews

Channel info

People & Blogs, Nonprofits & Activism, Education, Science & Technology, News & Politics

Mind Control, Vaccination, implants, Simon Parkes Meeting Whitby, Reptos, anunnaki, Project Camelot, Extraterrestrials, simon parkes, mother earth, Dick Cheney (US Vice President), phased radar, Whitby, array radar, Evolution, MILABs, entrevue, reptilian, Parkes, Mantis, greys, Prison Planet, Triad Theater, Draco reptilians, Mantid, Alfred Webre (Person), archons, Connecting Consciousnes, evolution, Bewusst TV, Dr Mengele, Aliens, UFO, Nibiru, Secret Space Program, nazis, Food storage, MI5, George HW Bush, Dr. Henning Witte, reptiliens, WW3, DNA strands, illuminati, exopolitics, trauma based mind control, New World Order, Simon Parkes, Flight MH17, Overpopulation, Mars Defense Force, conscience, soul journey, Federal Reserve, Mantids, feline, Orion, extraterrestrial, Virus, China, Planet X, Jo Conrad, espionage, Pierre Baribeau, Ramtha, Freedom, Rothschild, ;ichael Jackson, Bankers, Planet, DNA and bloodlines, Magicians, Miceal Ledwith, Simon Parkes Newcastle 29.11.2, Simon Parkes; mind control; Henn, Consciousness, shift, Alpha Draco, Jesus, Alien, mantides, etheric implants, mantid, MI6, Roswell UFO Incident (Event), Simon, Mars Colony Corporation, Pleaidians, aliens, George W Bush, shadow people, Reptilians, Donald H Rumsfeld, ETs, Mind control, Politics (TV Genre), Solar Flares, Linda McCallum, Elton John, Ethann Fox, Hadron Collider, Elite, Victoria Vives Khuong, Obama, Financial Crisis, DNA, Archons, Flower of Life, Richard B Cheney, clones, US Marines, spirit, Annunaki, false flags, Pope, Source, Roswell, CERN, Awakening, Alien Agenda, Christ consciousness, Ascension, EMP, CIA, Soul reading, Mars, divine feminine, WWIII, mind control shield, Victoria Vives, Archangel Michael, politics, CIA and NSA, Putin, Atlantis, NSA, hybrid, Town Councillor Simon Parkes, Alien Races, bloodlines, MILAB's, Draconis, Prophecy, Global Reset, Capt Randy Cramer, hollow earth human, super soldiers, Grey, Global Warming, Future, Awake And Empowered Expo, Sophia, Genetic Manipulation, holograms, reptilian souls, Illuminati, Hybrids, Greys, Reptilian ETs, francais, Mantid ETs, White TV, Colonization Of Mars (Literature Subject), hadron collider

2015 Interviews

An Afternoon With Simon Parkes - Newcastle upon Tyne - 29.11.2015 - Part 1

Read more Thank you to everyone who attended Simon's presentation at the Royal Station Hotel in Newcastle upon Tyne. It was great to see so many people who had travelled from all parts of the United Kingdom and from afar afield as Hong Kong, Ireland, Belgium and Hungary to be with like minded people.

People & Blogs

Simon Parkes Newcastle 29.11.2, Simon Parkes, Simon, Parkes, Aliens, UFO, Secret Space Program

Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Meeting Sneaton Castle, Whitby 24th October 2015

Read more Simon speaks to a group of people from all parts of the world gathered to hear evidence that the CERN Hadron Collider stopped working in an attempt to disconnect Humanity from Source.

People & Blogs

Simon Parkes Meeting Whitby, Hadron Collider, CERN, Simon Parkes, Whitby, Connecting Consciousnes

Heart to Heart with Simon Parkes - Important September Update

Read more !! MOBILE DEVICES: IF YOU EXPERIENCE PROBLEMS WITH LINDAS AUDIO TRACK, TRY CONNECTING YOUR MOBILE DEVICE TO STEREO SPEAKERS OR HEADPHONES!! APOLOGIES FOR THE INCONVENIENCE. P.S. Polish Subtitles available thanks to Aleksander Berdowicz! Simon Parkes returned to the Triad Theater on September 20, 2015 for a conversation with Linda McCallum. He gave important information about the plans of the elite for the days/months ahead. SIMON PARKES LIVE VIA SKYPE FROM WHITBY, ENGLAND AT THE TRIAD THEATER IN YELM, WASHINGTON. This is a little non-profit theater with old technology and volunteers as staff. By watching the video and clicking on ads you support us so we can upgrade our equipment. We also gladly accept donations, visit us at Thanks for watching!

People & Blogs

Simon Parkes, Triad Theater, Awakening, Consciousness, shift, Alien, UFO, Linda McCallum, Ramtha, New World Order, Pope, Financial Crisis, Planet, Elite, Vaccination, Overpopulation, Virus, Hadron Collider, Future, Food storage, Global Warming, Freedom, Evolution, DNA strands, Alien Agenda, Miceal Ledwith, divine feminine

Réconciliation 22 Simon Parkes (s-t en français)

Read more Une entrevue avec Simon Parkes, membre de la lignée illuminati et contacté depuis son enfance par des Mantides et des Reptiliens Draconis.

Nonprofits & Activism

simon parkes, mantides, reptiliens, entrevue, francais, Pierre Baribeau

Breakfast with Simon Parkes

Read more SIMON PARKES LIVE VIA SKYPE FROM WHITBY, ENGLAND AT THE TRIAD THEATER IN YELM, WASHINGTON ON JUNE 28, 2015. We apologize for the poor sound and video quality due to trouble with the Skype connection during that session. This is a little non-profit theater with old technology and volunteers as staff. By watching the video and clicking on ads you support us so we can upgrade our equipment. We also gladly accept donations, visit us at Thanks for watching!


Simon Parkes, Prison Planet, Alien, Awakening, Mind Control, Reptilians, Mantis, Mantid, Alien Races, Genetic Manipulation, Ascension, Source, Soul reading, soul journey, spirit, evolution, MI5, MI6, Future, UFO, Hybrids, Prophecy, Archons, Alien Agenda

AAE tv | How ETs Created And Influenced The Human Race | Simon Parkes | 8.8.15

Read more In this episode of Awake And Empowered TV, Ethann Fox speaks with life long experiencer of Extraterrestial and Extradimensional Beings, Simon Parkes. During the first half of the show, Ethann and Simon explore his childhood and being raised by both a Human and Extradimensional family. They also discuss Simon’s education and political background. In the second half of the show, Ethann and Simon discuss world events, the financial system, reptilian symbolism used throughout history, and also list some of the Extraterrestrials that currently interact with the human race. Other topics that are discussed, include the origins of the Human Race, Reptilian interference, and the control systems through which these races have orchestrated the direction of life on Earth. About Simon Parkes Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo’s, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can’t be identified. Simon was an elected Politician and served a full term of office, he is currently taking a break from politics but is likely to resume later this year. Simon’s biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working “jointly” for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth’s surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams. Simon’s Grandfather, who was a British diplomat, worked for the foreign arm of British intelligence often called MI6. But again in his case he was closely associated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of America. During this time he was awarded the Order of the British empire (OBE) medal as well as the Commander of the British Empire (CBE) medal, however he turned down a Knighthood from the Queen. Simon’s Grandfather was also a prominent Freemason and was Britain’s appointed diplomat to the United Nations in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s . Simon went public with his story in 2010, and since then has toured the UK speaking at conferences, initially attacked by the establishment media in a concerted effort to discredit him. However an event in 2013 was to be a game changer, when Simon was invited by the British Ministry of Defence (MOD) to join a small party being given a tour of a secret space radar base in the UK. This totally confounded the established media and has led to a far more serious appraisal of Simon’s story by them. About Ethann Fox Ethann Fox is a spiritual teacher, energy healer, the founder of the Flower of Life Center for Human Evolution and the visionary behind the Awake and Empowered Expo. His background in the business and financial markets as a professional trader and business owner is coupled by over 20 years as an accomplished astrologer and numerologist. Walking both the spiritual and business worlds, Ethann’s experience has given him an unconventional view and approach to personal happiness and professional success, melding the two as one. In late 2010, Ethann experienced a spiritual awakening that changed the course of his life and the Flower of Life was established soon after. Through the understanding of many unusual and profound healing events, and meeting with a gifted aura reader, he has come to understand his true purpose of raising the consciousness of others through his energy field. He now uses this divine gift to help others live a happier and more fulfilling life and aid in the transition to a new world consciousness. Ethann facilitates energy transfers in private and group settings, while inspiring volunteers on a collective mission of furthering awakening through his organization, Flower of Life. His vision manifests in the expression of a variety of projects including his radio show, expo, conscious activism movement, Conscious Youth group and the design of an alternative school for children. Ethann also utilizes his background as the owner of a branding and marketing agency in conjunction with his spiritual gifts and astrology/numerology expertise to assist many lightworkers on the planet to identify their soul’s purpose and express it through mainstream tools and technology. He offers this service on a private consultation basis, combining all aspects of his experience, education, personal history and spiritual awareness. About Flower of Life: About the Awake and Empowered Expo: About an Energy Transfer: See our line up of other incredible presenters:


Greys, Reptilians, Mantis, Mantid, Simon Parkes, Ethann Fox, Awake And Empowered Expo, Flower of Life, Illuminati, MI5, MI6, Pleaidians, Federal Reserve, China

SIMON PARKES ~ Experiencer of Aliens PART 2

Read more Some of you submitted questions for my previous interview with Simon Parkes. The interview was recorded, so we will be having a new interview to answer the questions I received. Blessings and Love. Victoria [See Previous Interview with Simon Parkes] [See Details for Upcoming Interview with Simon Parkes] June 27th, SPECIAL GUEST: Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo’s, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can’t be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon’s biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working “jointly” for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth’s surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams. Simon’s Grandfather, who was a British diplomat, worked for the foreign arm of British intelligence often called MI6. But again in his case he was closely associated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of America. During this time he was awarded the Order of the British empire (OBE) medal as well as the Commander of the British Empire (CBE) medal, however he turned down a Knighthood from the Queen. Simon’s Grandfather was also a prominent Freemason and was Britain’s appointed diplomat to the United Nations in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s . His website is LISTEN TO THE SHOW in THIS LINK: Victoria Vives Khuong hosting EARTH SKY people RADIO Living in Harmony with Mother Earth and Awakening to an Intergalactic Society! [VISIT THE ARCHIVES] [WATCH ON YOUTUBE] Contribute to the show at THANK YOU!


aliens, Alpha Draco, extraterrestrial, feline, Grey, Mantis, politics, reptilian, shadow people, Simon Parkes, UFO

Simon Parkes

Read more Simon Parkes is only part human on the soullevel. Coming from a family with secret service backgrounds he knows a lot about secret plans for mankind and the big changes ahead. In an interview with Jo Conrad he reveals amazing knowledge.

Nonprofits & Activism

Simon Parkes, Reptos, Aliens, Mantis

Simon Parkes Live at the Triad Theater: Part 2

Read more Simon Parkes Live at the Theater: Part 2 from May 9, 2015. Simon Parkes live via Skype from the UK before a live audience at the Triad Theater in Yelm, Washington. Simon Parkes - The Triad Theater - Miracles & Inspiration Films -


Simon Parkes, Triad Theater, Extraterrestrials, Mantids

Simon Parkes on etheric implants and shields against mind control

Read more Whitby councillor and experiencer Simon Parkes knows so much of the secrets in mind control that he just now is the best source on earth to receive information on this horrible topic. Usually somebody whistleblowing on secrets of mind control, as Simon Parkes does, would not survive a minute, but Simon has proper protection and his connection to the dark rulers of planet earth (Dracos) enhances his capabilities. Some of those secret rulers may have liberated themselves from their own mind control and changed side for the better of all. All the secret facts that Simon Parkes confirms or reveals to the audience are mind-boggling. This is the most groundbreaking interview on mind control that has ever been made in modern times. Never has an Illuminati insider informed so frankly and pedagogically on those hidden facts and technology of the most pivotal tool to remote control homo sapiens and other races. The only 48 min short interview (because people usually have little time) focuses on metal and etheric implants in humans, how to detect and remove them, how to shield against mind control with gold and why that is working. The techniques for mind control are discussed: horrible torture, scalar waves distributed with cell phone and television technology, phased array radar, chemtrails, morgellons, HAARP, military stations on Moon and Saturn and a lot more. The threat of artificial intelligence (AI) is warned about. The murder of Michael Jackson and the helping hand of Sir Elton John to celebrity victims is mentioned. This interview is a must for all targeted individuals (ti's) on the planet. A lot of them got help from Simon Parkers already. He is good for the rescue of the most hopeless cases of remote controlled humans. Dr. Henning Witte from Swedish White TV and Jo Conrad from German Bewusst.TV visited Simon Parkes 25th April 2015 in his home town Whitby at Sneaton Castle, where a little surprise waited for all of them, see at the end of the film. Mind control research on White TV: Scalar waves used in mind control; What is mind control? Gold against mind control;

News & Politics

Simon Parkes, Mind control, Dr. Henning Witte, Jo Conrad, White TV, Bewusst TV, implants, etheric implants, mind control shield, Elton John, ;ichael Jackson, trauma based mind control, phased radar, array radar

Simon Parkes Part 1: Espionage, Operation Paperclip, and a Conscience Unfold Destiny April 21, 2015

Read more What a fascinating two part series this is! Simon Parkes and Alexandra Meadors review how growing up in a home filled with espionage lead to an extraordinary exposure to some of the most significant conspiracies in the world such as Operation Paperclip. Simon discusses so many out of the box topics like reptilian energies, connecting with our 12 strands of DNA, connecting to other realities, soul activation, universal law, "ascension," the speed of light, reincarnation loop, holograms, limited genetics, the prison planet, the event, immunity to mind control, stealing souls, reset vs devaluation of currencies, healing technologies, the mantids, galactic diplomacy, fragments of Christ's soul, 2017, assassination attempts on Putin and Obama, jade helm, the hadron collider, Atlantean technology, and so much more.... We truly think this will cause some gigantic leaps in perception after listening to their exchange! Part Two is coming next Tuesday from 3-4:55 pm on Galactic Connection's BBS radio show, station 2. Please forgive the occasional technical difficulties with the internet but the information is still intact. Read the transcription of this interview at The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection. Connect with us:

People & Blogs

illuminati, espionage, mantid, hollow earth human, DNA, bloodlines, reptilian souls, Rothschild, MILAB's, Jesus, Archangel Michael, holograms, conscience, mother earth, CIA, NSA, super soldiers, nazis, Dr Mengele, clones, Christ consciousness, WW3, greys, hadron collider, Atlantis, archons, Sophia, anunnaki

Simon Parkes Part 2: Espionage, Operation Paperclip, and A Conscience Unfold Destiny April 28, 2015

Read more What a fascinating two part series this is! Simon Parkes and Alexandra Meadors review how growing up in a home filled with espionage lead to an extraordinary exposure to some of the most significant conspiracies in the world such as Operation Paperclip. Simon discusses so many out of the box topics like reptilian energies, connecting with our 12 strands of DNA, connecting to other realities, soul activation, universal law, "ascension," the speed of light, holograms, limited genetics, the prison planet, the event, immunity to mind control, stealing souls, reset vs devaluation of currencies, healing technologies, the mantids, galactic diplomacy, fragments of Christ's soul, 2017, assassination attempts on Putin and Obama, Nibiru, the hadron collider, Atlantean technology, and so much more.... We truly think this will cause some gigantic leaps in perception after listening to their exchange Please forgive the occasional technical difficulties with the internet but the information is still intact. Read the transcription of this interview at The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection. Connect with us:

People & Blogs

illuminati, mantid, hollow earth human, DNA and bloodlines, reptilian souls, MILABs, holograms, CIA and NSA, super soldiers, Nibiru, Christ consciousness, greys, hadron collider, Annunaki, archons, Sophia

Simon Parkes reveals mind control secrets

Read more Whitby councillor and experiencer Simon Parkes knows so much of the secrets in mind control that he just now is the best source on earth to receive information on this horrible topic. Usually somebody whistleblowing on secrets of mind control, as Simon Parkes does, would not survive a minute, but Simon has proper protection and his connection to the dark rulers of planet earth (Dracos) enhances his capabilities. Some of those secret rulers may have liberated themselves from their own mind control and changed side for the better of all. All the secret facts that Simon Parkes confirms or reveals to the audience are mind-boggling. This is the most groundbreaking interview on mind control that has ever been made in modern times. Never has an Illuminati insider told so frankly and pedagogically on those hidden facts and technology of the most pivotal tool to remote control homo sapiens and other races. The only 48 min short interview (because people usually have little time) focuses on metal and etheric implants in humans, how to detect and remove them, how to shield against mind control with gold and why that is working. The techniques for mind control are discussed: horrible torture, scalar waves distributed with cell phone and television technology, phased array radar, chemtrails, morgellons, HAARP, military stations on Moon and Saturn and a lot more. The threat of artificial intelligence (AI) is warned about. The murder of Michael Jackson and the helping hand of Sir Elton John to celebrity victims is mentioned. This interview is a must for all targeted individuals (ti's) on the planet. A lot of them got help from Simon Parkers already. He is good for the rescue of the most hopeless cases of remote controlled humans.

Simon Parkes; mind control; Henn


Read more Originally broadcast live and now available here on Youtube. I interviewed Simon Parkes about his latest Newsletter (see below) regarding what's happening right now on the global playing field: PUTIN, THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL RESET, RECENT ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS ON PUTIN AND OBAMA, CERN and more! Special Note: Just a few hours prior to the live broadcast Simon's computer was destroyed. He went out and bought a new one and was still unable to get online to use skype. Clearly they do not want this information out there! Please distribute widely! A SECOND INTERVIEW WITH SIMON PARKES FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2015 FOR MORE INFO AND TO SEE SIMON'S NEWSLETTER GO TO: *** KERRY LYNN CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT

Science & Technology

simon parkes, Project Camelot, Putin, Obama, WWIII, false flags, ETs, Orion, Illuminati, Magicians, Flight MH17, Bankers, Global Reset, EMP, Solar Flares, Planet X, Reptilians, Aliens

Reptilians, Illuminati, Rosswell... UK Politician SIMON PARKES

Read more SPECIAL GUEST: Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo’s, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can’t be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon’s biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working “jointly” for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth’s surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams. Simon’s Grandfather, who was a British diplomat, worked for the foreign arm of British intelligence often called MI6. But again in his case he was closely associated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of America. During this time he was awarded the Order of the British empire (OBE) medal as well as the Commander of the British Empire (CBE) medal, however he turned down a Knighthood from the Queen. Simon’s Grandfather was also a prominent Freemason and was Britain’s appointed diplomat to the United Nations in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. His website is


aliens, Draconis, extraterrestrial, feline, Grey, Mantis, politics, reptilian, shadow people, Simon Parkes, UFO, Alien, Mantid, Illuminati, hybrid, Roswell UFO Incident (Event), Roswell, exopolitics, Victoria Vives, Victoria Vives Khuong

Simon Parkes Part 2

Read more Part 2 of Simon's talk containing references to Russia as well as the greater Alien Agenda. Video recorded Saturday 21st of February 2015 at The Vault, Newcastle Upon Tyne.

People & Blogs

Simon Parkes

Open Your Mind (OYM) Radio - Simon Parkes/Finbar Markey - Jan 25th 2015

Read more Guests - Simon Parkes (UK Councillor/ET Abductee) / Finbar Markey (The National Land League) - Cern Hadron Collider, TV Licence Fee, BBC, Linear Collider Being Built, Collider did Not Work, Designed To Open A Portal Gateway, benevolent ET's, Scientists Could Not Go Home At Christmas 2012, Ascension Date - Dec 2012, Archons, Puppet Masters, Bluff Dale, Higher Than The Reptilians, City West Hotel Peaceful Assembly, KTech Help Evict People From their Homes Via The Local Sherriff.

News & Politics

Roundtable: Pleiadian nuke destroyed Mars ecology. Cheney ran Mars Colony Corporation

Read more NOTE: You can access background information and links while you watch this interview here. Thank you. VIDEO - Roundtable with USMCss Capt Randy Cramer & UK Town Councilor Simon Parkes: Pleiadian nuke destroyed Mars ecology? Cheney ran Mars Colony Corporation

News & Politics

Mars, Mars Colony Corporation, Mars Defense Force, Richard B Cheney, Donald H Rumsfeld, George W Bush, George HW Bush, Dick Cheney (US Vice President), Colonization Of Mars (Literature Subject), Politics (TV Genre), Capt Randy Cramer, US Marines, Town Councillor Simon Parkes, Mantid ETs, Reptilian ETs, Draco reptilians, Alfred Webre (Person)

2014 & Earlier Interviews

Channel info

People & Blogs, Education, Science & Technology, News & Politics, Nonprofits & Activism, Film & Animation

anonymous, greys, Moon, Extraterrestrial, Satanism, anunnaki, We Are Change, Lecture (Type Of Public Presentation), Liverpool, David Icke (Author), simon parkes, mantids aliens, Leeds, tsarion, BNP, Mantis, Grey ET, Truth, Mantid, Alan Park, David Icke, Parkes, emf, England, Aliens, Councillor (Legislative Committee Title), paedophiles, Simon Parkes, Manchester, THA Talks, SNP, Draco, Menwith Hill, MI6, Conspiracy Theories, Area, illuminati, Jinn, New, Project Avalon, nwo, Ufo, Mantids, underground bases, Conservatives, reptilians, Rotherham, 911, icke, mantids, Planet, ET, Charlie Veitch, MI5, Alien, Conspiracy, Navy, Ghosts, raptors, Whistleblower, aliens, The Bases Project, E.T., Reptilians, bill ryan, ETs, Reptilian, 911 inside job, Conspiracy Queries, New Horizons, ufos, Reptilian Aliens, Universe, Boggarts, World, UFOs, SiriusXM, UFO, Alien Abduction, Secret, Zeta, Miles Johnston, CIA, Spirits, Space, Labour Party, Flying, Greys, Zionism, SWP, Bill Ryan, Avalon Project, Saint Annes, afterlife, UKIP, fracking, Avalon, Kerry Cassidy, Muslims, Alfred Webre (Person), Alex, Flight 370, MH Flight17, 4th dimension, Alien Contactee, chemtrails, chris turner, experiencer, Politics, United Kingdom (Country), Project Avalon Forum, Order, Genies, dulce, Contactee, Government, shadow beings, Project Camelot, Blackpool, Ammach, NSA, Earth, Left unity, manits, Islam

2014 & Earlier Interviews

UK Councillor Simon Parkes raised by Mantid ETs: The Great Shift begins in 2017. No to Ebola vaccine

Read more UK Councillor Simon Parkes raised by Mantid ETs: The great shift begins in 2017. If called to be Prime Minister I will serve

News & Politics

Councillor (Legislative Committee Title), United Kingdom (Country), Simon Parkes, Alfred Webre (Person), ET, Extraterrestrial, UFO, Reptilian, Draco, Mantid, Mantis, Grey ET, CIA, NSA, MI5, MI6

JiNN and SHADOW Beings [Simon Parkes - New Horizons 2014]

Read more JiNN and SHADOW Beings [Simon Parkes - New Horizons 2014] Simon Parkes gives another mind blowing presentation to New Horizons Saint Annes on the 8th of September 2014. Simon Parkes talks in detail about Jinn and Shadow Beings; and bring us up to date with his latest UFO research... Jinn are supernatural creatures in Islamic mythology that inhabit an unseen world in dimensions beyond the visible universe of humans. Though the Jinn are made of a “smokeless and scorching fire”, they are also physical in nature, being able to interfere physically with people and objects and likewise be acted upon. A Shadow Being (also known as a Shadow Figure, Shadow Person or Black Mass) is the perception of a patch of shadow as a living, humanoid figure who, like the Jinn, may be either evil, helpful or neutral and may be an extra-dimensional inhabitant of another universe. Simon’s recent talk at New Horizons, “The Alien Agenda”, has already been viewed by well over three quarters of a million people on YouTube. Watch it here: Born to an illuminati family: This video was produced by 'Time to Wake Up' video productions. Time to wake up video productions is geared to producing Professional Video productions but NOT at Professional prices.  Everything from Corporate and personal presentations to concerts, recitals and outdoor activities… no job is too small! Hiring professional videographers, equipment and production teams is beyond the reach of most people, groups and businesses… Time to wake up productions is a solution that brings a professional touch at affordable prices. We even offer discounts to community groups and non-profit organisations.


Jinn, Simon Parkes, New Horizons, Saint Annes, Aliens, UFOs, illuminati, Spirits, Ghosts, Boggarts, Muslims, Islam, Genies, We Are Change, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, BNP, UKIP, Labour Party, SNP, Conservatives, England, Charlie Veitch, 911 inside job, David Icke, anonymous, Blackpool, Satanism, paedophiles, Rotherham, Zionism, chemtrails, afterlife, 4th dimension, shadow beings, SWP, Left unity, fracking

Simon Parkes Q&A Session on behalf of Project Avalon

Read more Elephant in the Room films (Chris Turner & Daniel Rogerson) met Simon Parkes to film an interview for the upcoming documentary film 'DON'T MENTION THE REPTILIANS'. After the interview had finished they had chance to ask Simon some questions on behalf of other Project Avalon forum members.

Film & Animation

simon parkes, bill ryan, chris turner, reptilians, mantids aliens, ufos, illuminati, 911, icke, tsarion, anunnaki, emf, greys, nwo, underground bases, dulce, Avalon Project, Alex, Alien, Space, Order, New, World, Conspiracy, David Icke (Author), Planet, Aliens, Truth, Moon, Earth, Ufo, Flying, Universe, Secret, Area, Government


Read more This is a ground breaking even explosive interview in terms of content. This interview was filmed on location in Avebury, England and during the 1st International Bases Conference. This is a very insightful look at the man and his relationships with ET/alien races and the larger picture of what's going on here on Planet Earth. We cover ascension and how that factors in to the game being played by the Praying Mantis or Mantid race and Reptilian races and humans in power. Also discussed is the relationship of Exopolitics to earth politics and a planned EMP attack on the United States to be attempted by those in power sometime before 2016. Simon covers the role that "Majick" plays in the upper echelons of power both on the ET and human sides as well as more pragmatic subjects such as the downing of Flight MH 17 -- apparently a "dirty bomb" containing biowarfare aimed at a Russian city... The role of the Mossad and the true ET race behind the scenes in Israel. This interview is a must-see for anyone seeking to understand what is really going on here on Planet Earth. Kerry Lynn Cassidy PROJECT CAMELOT

Science & Technology

Project Camelot, mantids, manits, raptors, ETs, Zeta, Greys, Reptilians, Navy, Menwith Hill, MH Flight17, Flight 370

Simon Parkes at The Bases Conference

Read more Simon Parkes is an Experiencer, who has mastered trhe issue and able to give wide perspectives, and with a family with a history in British MI5 and MI6, gives his data with some authority. Simon normally speaks for 2 to 3 hrs, so listen carefully in this 1 hr brief. He also gives greater insight in the Q&A sessions,and in his Project Camelot interview recorded during the 3 day conference by Kerry Cassidy.


Simon Parkes, Ammach, Project Camelot, Kerry Cassidy, The Bases Project, Miles Johnston, Lecture (Type Of Public Presentation), Ufo, Aliens, Mantids, Reptilian Aliens

THA Talks - Simon Parkes – ET encounters with an elected labor Councillor

Read more Simon Parkes is an elected local Councillor for the Town he lives in and he claims to have had alien contact / experiences for all of his life, and that these experiences are still on going. While still very much active as a Councillor for the labor party Simon openly speaks of his experiences in the media and at various conferences around the country. As well as his personal alien experiences Simon also reveals how he grew up in a “somewhat un-usual family”, his mother working for Mi5 typing out documents that related to crashed ufo craft, which she did from around 1966 – to 1979, and his Grandfather working for Mi6 spending much of his time with operatives of the CIA. Since going public Simon also states that he has had many interesting “interactions” with the arms of state. He asserts he does not regret going public, and feels it was something that had to be done. We talk with Simon about his experiences his family and what we can expect for the future.

People & Blogs

Aliens, UFO, Simon Parkes, Alien Abduction, THA Talks

Simon Parkes Blackpool 2014

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Nonprofits & Activism

#49: Alien Experiencer Simon Parkes - Conspiracy Queries with Alan Park

Read more Simon is a politician. That is only remarkable because much of what Simon says is not a typical political rant. In fact, Simon calmly alleges things about life on this planet and interdimensional and or alien beings that most politicians disavow, ignore or deny. On the phone from the English town of Whitby- where Simon is also a city councillor- we discussed all manner of control systems installed around our planet. Simon also breaks down several types of alien or interdimensional intentions and attitudes based on knowledge they have imparted to him. While much of the elite would love to have Simon disappear, his constituents like him enough to return him to office. Simon knows what he is saying is jarring to many, which is why he wants to reveal a version of events that might strengthen other people who have similar experiences. Perhaps if given the chance, more politicians will want to level with us on who really pulls their strings. Please SUBSCRIBE - LIKE - SHARE - COMMENT Send us your feedback at: Help us continue to make more episodes and support us on Patreon: Twitter: Facebook: Alan Park is on twitter: Subscribe to the show on iTunes: Thanks for listening!

News & Politics

Alan Park, aliens, Conspiracy Queries, Conspiracy Theories, Contactee, E.T., experiencer, illuminati, mantids, Politics, Simon Parkes, SiriusXM, UFO, Whistleblower, Alien Contactee

SIMON PARKES : The Project Avalon Interview

Read more Welcome to the Project Avalon Forum interview with contactee and experiencer Simon Parkes — who himself is a longstanding and highly respected Avalon member. The interview, which took place at Simon's home on 15 December 2013, was facilitated by Avalon moderator Karelia. Questions were prepared and supplied by Avalon Forum members, and were re-ordered for clarity in the final editing. Avalon founder Bill Ryan, on Skype, asked a few of his own questions at the end. Simon discusses and expands on the future of Earth, the Mantid and Reptilian influences, his own role as one of many arbiters on the planet, our free will, our individual responsibility and the opportunities that lie before us, the part played by the Illuminati and the other Global Controllers, the history of our planet, and much, much more. He is very active on the Avalon Forum in a members-only area, and regularly answers questions there. An audio-only version can be downloaded here: A Spanish-subtitled version is here: The mantra over the opening and closing credits is Re Man Eh Bidh Jog Kamao, by Snatam Kaur. Join the Avalon Forum: If this video has been valuable to you, please consider making a donation to Project Avalon. THANK YOU. Your generosity helps us to continue our work. My deep appreciation to Simon Parkes, Karelia, and to every Avalon member. Bill Ryan, January 2014


Simon Parkes, Parkes, Avalon, Project Avalon, Project Avalon Forum, Bill Ryan


Channel info

People & Blogs

Simon, contactee, aliens, Hybrid, alien, cMantis, our, cropcircle, earth, regression, saucer, ETs, megawatts1066, space, psychic, flying, attack, abductee, moon, secret, inter, abductees, UFos, government, Parkes, Mantis, predator, viewing, Miles, abduction, Johnston, Abductee, Ammach project, crop circles, Summerscales, Control, Bases Project, none, Win Keech, remote, interdimensional, UFO, universe, Aliens, Mind, dimensionals, ufos, Alien, Joanne, AMMACH, Human, planet, Ammach Project, talk


Contactee Simon Parkes Part 1

Read more Simon Parkes discusses his highly detailed and complex contacts with Extra & Interdimensional beings called Mantis, and the Greys and Reptilians. In Part 1 of this highly detailed interview on Mantis Alien contactee Simon Parkes, we discuss the details of his early life with Reptilians, Greys and the Mantis nonhuman extra-dimensional beings. Continues with Win Keech in Part 3, and a regression in Part 4. Interviewed by Joanne Summerscales, off camera questions by Miles Johnston former Creative Director of the AMMACH Project. AMMACH was meant to be dedicated to highlighting contactee, abduction and Mind Control issues in the British Isles. These AMMACH Witness statements are personal statements by the witnesses. The project collapsed after a misleading documentary by Ch4, and abuse of resources by Joanne who claims to be its founder. She is not. She was a CO-Founder involving 3 others, all whom have left "Ammach"

People & Blogs

AMMACH, contactee, UFO, alien, Miles, Johnston, megawatts1066, Hybrid, Human, Alien, Abductee, space, none, talk, aliens, earth, Simon, Parkes, Mantis, ETs, Aliens, Joanne, Summerscales, secret, government, abduction, Bases Project, Ammach project

Alien Abductee Simon Parkes Part 2

Read more Simon Parkes discusses his highly detailed and complex contacts with Extra & Interdimensional beings called Mantis, and the Greys and Reptilians. In Part 2 of this highly detailed interview Simon Parkes continues to discuss the details of his early life with Reptilians, Greys and the Mantis nonhuman extra-dimensional beings. Continues with Win Keech in Part 3, and a regression in Part 4. Interviewed by Joanne Summerscales, off camera questions by Miles Johnston of the AMMACH Project. AMMACH is dedicated to highlighting contactee, abduction and Mind Control issues in the British Isles. These AMMACH Witness statements are personal statements by the witnesses. The AMMACH project provides this platform for the high level researcher, and must be viewed in that context. Joanne claims to be the founder, she is not. The project was founded by three others, Miles, Dave and David as well as her, all who have left the project after witness abuse.

People & Blogs

Mantis, ETs, Aliens, Miles, Johnston, AMMACH, UFO, secret, government, space, alien, megawatts1066, contactee, Hybrid, Human, Abductee, none, talk, aliens, earth, Simon, Parkes, moon, flying, universe, predator, planet, Bases Project, Ammach Project

Alien Abductee Simon Parkes Part 3

Read more Simon Parkes discusses his highly detailed and complex contacts with Extra & Interdimensional beings called Mantis, and the Greys and Reptilians. Featuring a major co interview with Specialist videographer and researcher into advanced UFO and Crop Circles concepts, Winston Keech, who appeared in my 07 07 07 Eastfield crop circle documentary "Oh To Catch a Circelamker." Win also fights off Simon's "Playful Mind Invasion" DURING this interview. The viewer must become up to spped of high levels of Psi and Human perception, and concepts, with various Inter-Diemsnional beings and the higher concepts of human perception. Part 3 of 4. Part 4 features the Regression. These AMMACH Witness statements are personal statements by the witnesses. The AMMACH project provides this platform for the high level researcher, and must be viewed in that context. Joanne claims to be sole founder. She is not, the Ammach project was CO-founded by 3 others, Miles, Dave and David, all of whom have abandoned the project after witness abuse.

People & Blogs

AMMACH, Alien, Mind, Control, Win Keech, crop circles, inter, dimensionals, interdimensional, Simon, Parkes, UFO, UFos, Aliens, space, moon, flying, Miles, Johnston, cropcircle, remote, viewing, psychic, attack, Bases Project, Ammach Project

Alien Abductee Simon Parkes Part 4

Read more Simon Parkes discusses his highly detailed and complex contacts with Extra & Interdimensional beings called Mantis, and the Greys and Reptilians. In Simon's final 4th part, of the Witness Statements series from the AMMACH Contactees group, Joanne takes Simon on a Regression session. In this complete regression Simon enters into a relaxed state and allows us into further levels of his contact with Mantis extra-dimensional beings. Filmed on location by Miles Johnston in Simon's Whitby north east Yorkshire home, on July 31st 2011. As with undergroundvideouk's Bases series this is designed for the advanced experiencer and researcher. Available on DVD from megawatts1066 and AMMACH. AMMACH was meant to be dedicated to getting the message out there on the UKs contactee and mind control scene, but is not a position to verify this data. It is for the researcher and wider public's interest. Witnesses provide their accounts freely, and it is their personal experience. Joanne claims sole founding of the project. She was not, three others, Miles, Dave and David confounded it. All have abandoned it after witness abuse, which occurred in this video, as claimed by Simon Parkes. And other occasions.

People & Blogs

regression, Simon, Parkes, Miles, Johnston, UFO, alien, ufos, abductee, cMantis, ETs, Aliens, secret, government, space, megawatts1066, Hybrid, Human, Abductee, none, talk, aliens, earth, abductees, Mantis, flying, saucer, our, Bases Project, Ammach project

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